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15 June 2023

Leonardo Royal London St Paul's




60 Second Interview with...


Carol Gammon

Digital Nomad - HCM Consultant


1. What is the most significant change you have seen in your role within the last year? 


A: Hybrid working - change to role / digital solutions / revisit payroll strategy and impact on payroll professionals - merger of HR professionals to support HR with AI skills and also support strategic decision making. More opportunities for a blended HR & payroll career - open to change. 

2. What do you see being the biggest challenge for the rest of 2023 as payroll professional?


A: Skills shortage and a number of professionals leaving the sector if employers are not embracing flexible working / supporting stressful position by supporting them with right technology and tools and investment in training.


Need to encourage new joiners to the profession – employers to make the job opportunities and careers more exciting – apprenticeships etc   New World of Work – need to adapt.


3. What advice would you give those entering the payroll profession?


A: See if you can ask local firms if you can observe what it is like to work in a payroll department? Speak to payroll professionals? Social media go on CIPP and start chatting and finding out. Study payroll qualifications as well as learn about Payroll tech solutions.


4. Without giving away too much, what two things will delegates learn from your session?



  • How Payroll Tech is transforming the Payroll Function and the role of the Payroll Profession
  • Why you need to be open to personal transformation – future world of work importance of AI and transformation of the role of payroll
  • Flexible working, 4 day week, Work from anywhere (global), Workation, Digital nomads – keeping up with paying people on demand – the demise of the ‘employee’ and a new form of work which requires new forms of payment. Exciting times ahead!


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