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15 June 2023

Leonardo Royal London St Paul's




60 Second Interview with...


Julian Allsop

Specialist Employment and Discrimination Barrister, Head of Employment and Discrimination Guildhall Chambers


1. What is the most significant change you have seen in your role within the last year?


A: As the pandemic eased, a return to in-person hearings as the usual means of dealing with cases as opposed to via CVP or hybrid.

2. What do you see being the biggest challenge for the rest of 2023 as a legal professional?


A: Advising on and preparing for the impact of the Retained EU Law Bill on fundamental workplace rights.

3. What advice would you give to payroll and reward professionals keen to keep up to date with employment law?


A: Subscribe to one of the employment law updaters such as Daniel Barnett's Employment Law Bulletin, attend a Guildhall Chambers breakfast bites or seminar. 

4. Without giving too much away what two things will delegates learn from the employment law update?


A: The current state of play with respect to holiday pay and employment status.

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