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Coming soon on RS TV 

“RS TV”, Reward Strategy’s new online broadcasting platform, will air three episodes this month.  

The RS TV schedule for February is out now
The RS TV schedule for February is out now

The knowledge-sharing platform has been created to ensure the entire reward and payroll community is united and informed during this continued period of isolation. The first three episodes are as follows:


RS TV Refresh: February 10 at 12pm

First in the Refresh series is “The importance of key workers and financial wellbeing” episode. Comprising of two parts, we will look back at recently broadcast content on:

  • How key workers are keeping the nation paid during a worldwide pandemic, with speakers from Benefit Cosmetics, NCG and Howden Group Holdings
  • The importance of financial wellbeing, with speakers from Hilton and Immedis

Each session will be followed by a live Q&A, so you will have a chance to chat with our experts about any changes in real time.


Register now for the Refresh, even if you aren’t available to attend live - the recorded session will be sent to you post-event.


RS TV Masterclass: February 18 at 10 am

This “Managing Annual Leave and Holidays in 2021” Masterclass will help you learn how to streamline your annual leave process and steer clear of unnecessary administrative mayhem in 2021. Discussion points include:

  • Managing carried over leave balances from 2020;
  • Employees going abroad and the risks of self-isolation;
  • Handling your team’s leave balances and ensuring cover;
  • Ongoing implications of the Job Retention Scheme.

The complimentary session will include a live Q&A with Lynda Arrowsmith, employment law consultant at Moorepay.


Register now for the Masterclass, even if you aren’t available to attend live - the recorded session will be sent to you post-event.


RS TV Refresh: February 25 at 12pm

Second in the Refresh series is “The future of wellbeing in the workplace” episode. Comprising of two parts, we will look back at recently broadcast content on:

  • The future of reward: From fertility benefits to menopause policies, with speakers from Brunel University London, Channel 4 and Aviva
  • Why wellbeing has become a “need to have”, “not nice to have”, with speakers from Royal Mail, Standard Chartered Bank and Aviva

Each session will be followed by a live Q&A, so you will have a chance to chat with our experts about any changes in real time.


Register now for the Refresh, even if you aren’t available to attend live - the recorded session will be sent to you post-event.


Find out more about the CPD-accredited channel, RS TV, here.


If you are interested in finding out more about RS TV, or would like to enquire about taking part or sponsoring, please get in touch with Ben Miller at or on 07944 780 942.

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