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Reward Strategy introduces RS TV

While we continue to live our lives virtually, Reward Strategy has pivoted, once more, to become a digital pioneer in the pay and reward space. 


We have created “RS TV”, an online broadcasting platform where we will host our Awards and Conferences, as well as a series of Masterclasses and Refresh episodes.


Reward Strategy used the first few weeks of 2021 to reinvent its entire event and content proposition for the profession. The new knowledge-sharing platform will ensure the entire reward and payroll community is united and informed during this continued period of isolation.


Therefore, RS TV will soon be launched. For now, here is how our CPD-accredited content will be presented:


RS TV Conferences

Our renowned conferences will continue to be broadcast live, as television programmes, from a high-end London studio. The broadcasts will combine unrivalled knowledge sharing and immersive experiences through live polls, Q&As, bespoke matchmaking and virtual exhibitions.


RS TV Awards

There’s never been a more important time to celebrate the critical work delivered by the industry. In 2021, our live digital broadcasts will continue to deliver entertaining experiences to hail the industry leaders and influencers.


RS TV Refresh

A completely new format, this channel will feature episodes of recently broadcasted sessions. These will be brought up-to-date with a live Q&A to analyse market and trend updates since the initial airing.


RS TV Masterclass

Our masterclasses are real-time, one-hour conversations with key experts on a range of time-critical topics. These include live Q&A sessions to ensure quality interactions and knowledge is exchanged.


RS TV Broadcasts

These half-day productions will be hosted live with a chair and carefully selected experts to analyse the breadth and depth of one time-sensitive topic. The interactive experience will include presentations and Q&As.


This new platform will be a permanent fixture of how Reward Strategy serves its community going forward.


If you are interested in finding out more about RS TV, or would like to enquire about taking part or sponsoring, please get in touch with Ben Miller at or on 07944 780 942.

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